Halloween Vampire Session- Santa Rosa Child Photographer Angelika Mitchell
Happy Halloween from Angelika Mitchell Photography! We actually do a lot of costumes over here. We have a never-ending imagination and lots of clients who are keen to see their favorite story come to life. I am often asked if I can pick a favorite, and the answer is a resounding NO! I really truly can't. There is nothing I love more than a fantasy world come to life.
I think that often times boys feel a little left out when it comes to photos and styled storybook photos in particular. They don't need to though! Boys have just as much fun dressing up and love to see their fantasies come to life. Superheroes, or magicians, or Peter Pan and Pirates. The opportunities are endless. In honor of Halloween I had a very special boy play dress up with me. (my boy, so I am biased) He actually loves dressing up. We never get rid of his Halloween costume as you just never know when a ninja is going to show up to do homework. I once got a text from my husband while doing laundry that read, only our son has a separate laundry pile for costumes. He is terrible at going out to take portraits with me, but if I ask him to dress up and do a concept shoot- he is amazing! So, noted.
This year he picked this gothic Vampire costume. He wanted to be a vampire for Halloween, but was super clear it was NOT the count Dracula kind of vampire. This costume comes from Chasing Fireflies and is called the Vampire of Versailles. I think it's perfect. So we dressed up for a costume party this weekend, but right before we stopped by an old cemetery and made a little vampire magic.
Have a super safe and fun Halloween tonight! And if you live locally, sorry about the rain. (but it's a drought, so we can't actually complain)
Mommy and Me Session- Santa Rosa Family Photographer Angelika Mitchell
On Mother's Day this year we had a contest. To enter, Moms commented on a favorite thing about Motherhood. Reading the comments was one of my personal favorite Mother's Day treats. It was so heartwarming to see all the different ways women cherished their role as Mom. This gorgeous Mom was the winner of the contest, and I am so excited to share her photos with you. I know her daughters will cherish these memories forever.
Often, as Moms, we get a little lost in the shuffle. We are the ones with a phone full of photos of the kids, and probably our kids and every other member of the family, from Dad to grandparents. What we don't have, is enough photos of ourselves with our kids. (awkward selfies with the kids aside) We either don't love the way we look, don't think we are photo ready, or don't even think about it. The thing is, these kids of ours, who we cherish so much, need to see us loving on them in their lives. One of the comments during the contest was a young woman who had just lost her own mother, and she was so sad that she had so few photos of her Mom and her together. It's heartbreaking.
So ladies, please be in the picture! Even with no make up and a messy bun. Wear those yoga pants and tank top, which you might even have slept in, and take that photo. Because the truth is, that is a version of you the kids want to remember too! Once in a while, get dressed up in whatever makes you feel awesome, and have some photos done with the little people you love most. By doing so, you show them how much you love them, and how much you love yourself too.
In my bedroom I have 3 framed photos hanging on my wall. One with each of my children when they were around 2. I LOVE looking at them every night before bed! Even though I can see myself aging over the 7 years, I can also see how I have grown as a woman, how I have really started to get the hang of being a Mom, and how much I love my children.
Cinderella Storybook Session - Santa Rosa Child Photographer Angelika Mitchell
A sweet little girl was turing two, and wanted nothing more than a photoshoot inspired by her favorite movie, Cinderella. Her Mom and I had so much fun designing her shoot! I just love how it turned out. There is nothing more magical than the imagination of youth; the hard held belief that if you wear the right dress, and play the right music, and you have courage and be kind, you can really truly be a princess! Happy Birthday Sweet Cinderella!
Storybook Session- Santa Rosa Child Photographer Angelika Mitchell
If you have been following my work for any length of time, you have probably noticed that I love the land of make-believe. I was obsessed with fairies as a child; I have a large flower fairy tattoo on my back. (zinnia, in case you are wondering) My heart really cherishes the time in childhood when all things are possible, when the lines between reality and fantasy are thin, and when children adore playing dress up. This is why the storybook session will always have my heart.
There is definitely a time to the storybook session. I have had children as young as one who were gorgeous little fairy cherubs. I've seen lots of toddlers and preschooler with their eyes full of wonder. I've adored the elementary school girls with the elegance they bring to their adventures. I do think that there comes a time though, when your kids won't want to play make-believe, and dress up, and become a fairy or Little Red Riding Hood, or Cinderella. Capturing the innocence of childhood is really what these sessions are all about. When you look back at the story your album tells, it will so potently remind you of this special time in your child's life.
Maternity Session- Santa Rosa Maternity Photographer Angelika Mitchell
I love photographing impending motherhood. There is no more magical time in a woman's life then when she is growing a person in her body. Having been pregnant three times, I know we don't always feel magical. Often times we don't document this time as we are grumpy, or ill, or feel like we don't like our shape. I don't have any maternity photos of myself, and I really regret it. Now I am on a mission to help moms to be see the benefit of a few beautiful photos of themselves in this wondrous and fleeting time.
As with Angelika Mitchell Photography's styled children's sessions, we have an ever growing closet of maternity gowns for our clients to borrow, free of charge! We are sure to have a style for everyone, so when you inquire ask for details.
Masto Wyatt Warrior- Bay Area Child Photgrapher Angelika Mitchell
New site, new look, and a new story to share with you all.
If you know me in my everyday life, you know that I have a love affair with children's clothing. It's one of the reasons I love styled portraiture so much. I think it all traces back to my love of dress up as a child. Especially that highly coveted frilly white shirt in the dress up box at preschool. I loved dressing my little boy in dapper outfits from the time he was born. When I had a girl, and then another girl, I took to finding cute little outfits like it was my second job. I discovered so many cute brands. I also discovered that there is this whole world of groups dedicated to buying and selling these cute kids clothes, and that this world was full of people just like me!
Mind blown.
In one of these groups I met a Mom who shared my love of classic and beautiful clothing. Clothing that emphasizes the sweetness and innocence of childhood; where little girls dressed like little ladies, and little boys like dapper young gents. This Mom has three beautiful children, the youngest of which was born with a very rare skin disorder called Diffuse Cutaneous Mastocytosis. His tiny body makes too many mast cells, which makes his skin blister easily and puts him at risk for severe anaphylaxis. Many Moms would feel crushed by a diagnosis like this, but not Shannon. She took the diagnosis in stride, and then went out full force educating people, advocating for her son, and raising much needed funding for research. She is a true inspiration.
Last month I was given the opportunity to help raise money for Mastocytosis research. We had a photoshoot with a group of Moms, who all met through a love of clothes, and together we raised money for Wyatt! Below are some of the photos from our Let Your Light Shine Benefit. Please consider making a small donation in Wyatt's honor. Every dollar counts, and this handsome little boy would love to have your support.